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Welcome Frictionless Framework (v5)

By Evgeny Karev on 2022-08-22 ยป Blog Index

We're releasing a first beta of Frictionless Framework (v5)!

Since the initial Frictionless Framework release we'd been collecting feedback and analyzing both high-level users' needs and bug reports to identify shortcomings and areas that can be improved in the next version for the framework. Once that process had been done we started working on a new v5 with a goal to make the framework more bullet-proof, easy to maintain and simplify user interface. Today, this version is almost stable and ready to be published. Let's go through the main improvements we have made:

Improved Metadata

This year we started working on the Frictionless Application, at the same time, we were thinking about next steps for the Frictionless Standards. For both we need well-defined and an easy-to-understand metadata model. Partially it's already published as standards like Table Schema and partially it's going to be published as standards like File Dialect and possibly validation/transform metadata.


In v4 of the framework we had Control/Dialect/Layout concepts to describe resource details related to different formats and schemes, as well as tabular details like header rows. In v5 it's merged into the only one concept called Dialect which is going to be standardised as a File Dialect spec. Here is an example:

header: true
headerRows: [2, 3]
commentChar: '#'
  delimiter: ';'
from frictionless import Dialect, Control, formats

dialect = Dialect(header=True, header_rows=[2, 3], comment_char='#')

A dialect descriptor can be saved and reused within a resource. Technically, it's possible to provide different schemes and formats settings within one Dialect (e.g. for CSV and Excel) so it's possible to create e.g. one re-usable dialect for a data package. A legacy CSV Dialect spec is supported and will be supported forever so it's possible to provide CSV properties on the root level:

header: true
delimiter: ';'
from frictionless import Dialect, Control, formats

dialect = Dialect.from_descriptor({"header": True, "delimiter": ';'})

For performance and codebase maintainability reasons some marginal Layout features have been removed completely such as skip/pick/limit/offsetFields/etc. It's possible to achieve the same results using the Pipeline concept as a part of the transformation workflow.

Read an article about Dialect Class for more information.


Checklist is a new concept introduced in v5. It's basically a collection of validation steps and a few other settings to make "validation rules" sharable. For example:

  - type: ascii-value
  - type: row_constraint
    formula: id > 1
  - duplicate-label
from frictionless import Checklist, checks

checklist = Checklist(
    checks=[checks.ascii_value(), checks.row_constraint(formula='id > 1')],

Having and sharing this checklist it's possible to tune data quality requirements for some data file or set of data files. This concept will provide an ability for creating data quality "libraries" within projects or domains. We can use a checklist for validation:

frictionless validate table1.csv --checklist checklist.yaml
frictionless validate table2.csv --checklist checklist.yaml

Here is a list of another changes:

From (v4) To (v5)
Check(descriptor) Check.from_descriptor(descriptor)
check.code check.type

Read an article about Checklist Class for more information.


In v4 Pipeline was a complex concept similar to validation Inquiry. We reworked it for v5 to be a lightweight set of validation steps that can be applied to a data resource or a data package. For example:

  - type: table-normalize
  - type: cell-set
    fieldName: version
    value: v5
from frictionless import Pipeline, steps

pipeline = Pipeline(
    steps=[steps.table_normalize(), steps.cell_set(field_name='version', value='v5')],

Similar to the Checklist concept, Pipeline is a reusable (data-abstract) object that can be saved to a descriptor and used in some complex data workflow:

frictionless transform table1.csv --pipeline pipeline.yaml
frictionless transform table2.csv --pipeline pipeline.yaml

Here is a list of another changes:

From (v4) To (v5)
Step(descriptor) Step.from_descriptor(descriptor)
step.code step.type

Read an article about Pipeline Class for more information.


There are no changes in the Resource related to the standards although currently by default instead of profile the type property will be used to mark a resource as a table. It can be changed using the --standards v1 flag.

It's now possible to set Checklist and Pipeline as a Resource property similar to Dialect and Schema:

path: table.csv
# ...
    - type: ascii-value
    - type: row_constraint
      formula: id > 1
pipeline: pipeline.yaml
    - type: table-normalize
    - type: cell-set
      fieldName: version
      value: v5

Or using dereference:

path: table.csv
# ...
checklist: checklist.yaml
pipeline: pipeline.yaml

In this case the validation/transformation will use it by default providing an ability to ship validation rules and transformation pipelines within resources and packages. This is an important development for data publishers who want to define what they consider to be valid for their datasets as well as sharing raw data with a cleaning pipeline steps:

frictionless validate resource.yaml  # will use the checklist above
frictionless transform resource.yaml  # will use the pipeline above

There are minor changes in the stats property. Now it uses named keys to simplify hash distinction (md5/sha256 are calculated by default and it's not possible to change for performance reasons as it was in v4):

from frictionless import describe

resource = describe('table.csv', stats=True)

Here is a list of another changes:

From (v4) To (v5)
for row in resource: for row in resource.row_stream

Read an article about Resource Class for more information.


There are no changes in the Package related to the standards although it's now possible to use resource dereference:

name: package
  - resource1.yaml
  - resource2.yaml

Read an article about Package Class for more information.


Catalog is a new concept that is a collection of data packages that can be written inline or using dereference:

name: catalog
  - package1.yaml
  - package2.yaml

Read an article about Catalog Class for more information.


Detector is now a metadata class (it wasn't in v4) so it can be saved and shared as other metadata classes:

from frictionless import Detector

detector = Detector(sample_size=1000)

Read an article about Detector Class for more information.


There are few changes in the Inquiry concept which is known for using in the Frictionless Repository project:

From (v4) To (v5)
inquiryTask.source inquiryTask.path
inquiryTask.source inquiryTask.resource
inquiryTask.source inquiryTask.package

Read an article about Inquiry Class for more information.


The Report concept has been significantly simplified by removing the resource property from reportTask. It's been replaced by name/type/place/labels properties. Also report.time is now report.stats.seconds. The report/reportTask.warnings: List[str] have been added to provide non-error information like reached limits:

frictionless validate table.csv --yaml

Here is a list of changes:

From (v4) To (v5)
report.time report.stats.seconds
reportTask.time reportTask.stats.seconds
reportTask.resource.name reportTask.name
reportTask.resource.profile reportTask.type
reportTask.resource.path reportTask.place
reportTask.resource.schema reportTask.labels

Read an article about Report Class for more information.


Changes in the Schema class:

From (v4) To (v5)
Schema(descriptor) Schema.from_descriptor(descriptor)


There are a few changes in the Error data structure:

From (v4) To (v5)
error.code error.type
error.name error.title
error.rowPosition error.rowNumber
error.fieldPosition error.fieldNumber


Note that all the metadata entities that have multiple implementations in v5 are based on a unified type model. It means that they use the type property to provide type information:

From (v4) To (v5)
resource.profile resource.type
check.code check.type
control.code control.type
error.code error.type
field.type field.type
step.type step.type

The new v5 version still supports old notation in descriptors for backward-compatibility.

Improved Model

It's been many years that Frictionless were mixing declarative metadata and object model for historical reasons. Since the first implementation of datapackage library we used different approaches to sync internal state to provide both interfaces descriptor and object model. In Frictionless Framework v4 this technique had been taken to a really sophisticated level with special observables dictionary classes. It was quite smart and nice-to-use for quick prototyping in REPL but it was really hard to maintain and error-prone.

In Framework v5 we finally decided to follow the "right way" for handling this problem and split descriptors and object model completely.


In the Frictionless World we deal with a lot of declarative metadata descriptors such as packages, schemas, pipelines, etc. Nothing changes in v5 regarding this. So for example here is a Table Schema:

  - name: id
    type: integer
  - name: name
    type: string

Object Model

The difference comes here we we create a metadata instance based on this descriptor. In v4 all the metadata classes were a subclasses of the dict class providing a mix between a descriptor and object model for state management. In v5 there is a clear boundary between descriptor and object model. All the state are managed as it should be in a normal Python class using class attributes:

from frictionless import Schema

schema = Schema.from_descriptor('schema.yaml')
# Here we deal with a proper object model
descriptor = schema.to_descriptor()
# Here we export it back to be a descriptor

There are a few important traits of the new model:

This separation might make one to add a few additional lines of code, but it gives us much less fragile programs in the end. It's especially important for software integrators who want to be sure that they write working code. At the same time, for quick prototyping and discovery Frictionless still provides high-level actions like validate function that are more forgiving regarding user input.

Static Typing

One of the most important consequences of "fixing" state management in Frictionless is our new ability to provide static typing for the framework codebase. This work is in progress but we have already added a lot of types and it successfully pass pyright validation. We highly recommend enabling pyright in your IDE to see all the type problems in-advance:

Livemark Docs

We're happy to announce that we're finally ready to drop a JavaScript dependency for the docs generation as we migrated it to Livemark. Moreover, Livemark's ability to execute scripts inside the documentation and other nifty features like simple Tabs or a reference generator will save us hours and hours for writing better docs.

Script Execution

Reference Generation

Happy Contributors

We hope that Livemark docs writing experience will make our contributors happier and allow to grow our community of Frictionless Authors and Users. Let's chat in our Slack if you have questions or just want to say hi.

Read Livemark Docs for more information.