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Cell Errors

Cell Error

Name Value
Type cell-error
Title Cell Error
Description Cell Error
Template Cell Error
Tags #table #row #cell

Extra Cell

Name Value
Type extra-cell
Title Extra Cell
Description This row has more values compared to the header row (the first row in the data source). A key concept is that all the rows in tabular data must have the same number of columns.
Template Row at position "{rowNumber}" has an extra value in field at position "{fieldNumber}"
Tags #table #row #cell

Missing Cell

Name Value
Type missing-cell
Title Missing Cell
Description This row has less values compared to the header row (the first row in the data source). A key concept is that all the rows in tabular data must have the same number of columns.
Template Row at position "{rowNumber}" has a missing cell in field "{fieldName}" at position "{fieldNumber}"
Tags #table #row #cell

Type Error

Name Value
Type type-error
Title Type Error
Description The value does not match the schema type and format for this field.
Template Type error in the cell "{cell}" in row "{rowNumber}" and field "{fieldName}" at position "{fieldNumber}": {note}
Tags #table #row #cell

Constraint Error

Name Value
Type constraint-error
Title Constraint Error
Description A field value does not conform to a constraint.
Template The cell "{cell}" in row at position "{rowNumber}" and field "{fieldName}" at position "{fieldNumber}" does not conform to a constraint: {note}
Tags #table #row #cell

Unique Error

Name Value
Type unique-error
Title Unique Error
Description This field is a unique field but it contains a value that has been used in another row.
Template Row at position "{rowNumber}" has unique constraint violation in field "{fieldName}" at position "{fieldNumber}": {note}
Tags #table #row #cell

Truncated Value

Name Value
Type truncated-value
Title Truncated Value
Description The value is possible truncated.
Template The cell {cell} in row at position {rowNumber} and field {fieldName} at position {fieldNumber} has an error: {note}
Tags #table #row #cell

Forbidden Value

Name Value
Type forbidden-value
Title Forbidden Value
Description The value is forbidden.
Template The cell {cell} in row at position {rowNumber} and field {fieldName} at position {fieldNumber} has an error: {note}
Tags #table #row #cell

Sequential Value

Name Value
Type sequential-value
Title Sequential Value
Description The value is not sequential.
Template The cell {cell} in row at position {rowNumber} and field {fieldName} at position {fieldNumber} has an error: {note}
Tags #table #row #cell

Ascii Value

Name Value
Type ascii-value
Title Ascii Value
Description The cell contains non-ascii characters.
Template The cell {cell} in row at position {rowNumber} and field {fieldName} at position {fieldNumber} has an error: {note}
Tags #table #row #cell


errors.CellError (class)

errors.CellError (class)

Cell error representation. A base class for all the errors related to the cell value.


(*, note: str, cells: List[str], row_number: int, cell: str, field_name: str, field_number: int) -> None


  • note (str)
  • cells (List[str])
  • row_number (int)
  • cell (str)
  • field_name (str)
  • field_number (int)

errors.cellError.cell (property)

Cell where the error occurred.



errors.cellError.field_name (property)

Name of the field that has an error.



errors.cellError.field_number (property)

Index of the field that has an error.



errors.CellError.from_row (method) (static)

Create and error from a cell


(row: Row, *, note: str, field_name: str)


  • row (Row): row
  • note (str): note
  • field_name (str): field name