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(2025-03-07 19:39)


With validate command you can validate your tabular files (indivisual or the whole dataset). For example:

frictionless validate table.csv invalid.csv
─────────────────────────────────── Dataset ────────────────────────────────────
┃ name    ┃ type  ┃ path        ┃ status  ┃
│ table   │ table │ table.csv   │ VALID   │
│ invalid │ table │ invalid.csv │ INVALID │
──────────────────────────────────── Tables ────────────────────────────────────
┃ Row  ┃ Field ┃ Type            ┃ Message                                     ┃
│ None │ 3     │ blank-label     │ Label in the header in field at position    │
│      │       │                 │ "3" is blank                                │
│ None │ 4     │ duplicate-label │ Label "name" in the header at position "4"  │
│      │       │                 │ is duplicated to a label: at position "2"   │
│ 2    │ 3     │ missing-cell    │ Row at position "2" has a missing cell in   │
│      │       │                 │ field "field3" at position "3"              │
│ 2    │ 4     │ missing-cell    │ Row at position "2" has a missing cell in   │
│      │       │                 │ field "name2" at position "4"               │
│ 3    │ 3     │ missing-cell    │ Row at position "3" has a missing cell in   │
│      │       │                 │ field "field3" at position "3"              │
│ 3    │ 4     │ missing-cell    │ Row at position "3" has a missing cell in   │
│      │       │                 │ field "name2" at position "4"               │
│ 4    │ None  │ blank-row       │ Row at position "4" is completely blank     │
│ 5    │ 5     │ extra-cell      │ Row at position "5" has an extra value in   │
│      │       │                 │ field at position "5"                       │